We are corporate developers who promote positive changes in people and in organisations, ensure target-oriented implementation in the long term and allow companies to experience success.
Manager Training
Modules in detail – Innovative leadership
- Module IL I: Principles of management & leadership in a team
- Module IL II: Management, team competence & planning
- Module IL III: Negotiation, implementation & leadership
In a three-stage workshop with the extended management team, after presentation and discussion of the actual situation (result OI 1), the orientation (objectives, strategy, tactical measures, time window, measurement criteria) will be worked on according to the Hoshin planning method. The basis for efficient team work, and binding implementation of the results, is a team role analysis carried out in advance, and presented/discussed in the team. Management input, trainer input, video feedback, team work, process specification, team commitment.
Target group: management team (5 - 12 employees)
Duration: 3 days for each of the three modules
- Realisation of the actual situation, joint understanding of objectives in the team, taking into account the company objectives
- Developing company specific breakthrough objectives in the management team, definition and commitment of qualitative – quantitative measurement criteria, schedule
- Development of 1st draft manager strategy and management process
- Selection and prioritisation of the important "manager best practices" in the team
- Summary: principles of management (objectives, methods, tasks, roles)
- Development of joint management philosophy
- Development of joint management instruments
- Implementation and active leadership process management
Modules in detail-
Customising, operative support and intervention
Module OI1 – OI4
Target group
Manager team (5 - 12 employees), management in sales & marketing
Duration: in total 5 days, some on site (2 + 1 + 1 + 1)
Timing: OI1 – IL I – OI2 – IL II – OI3 – IL III – OI4
- Actual analysis as the basis for sensible customisation of manager tools and knowledge transfer, team role analysis and management feedback (OI1)
- Ensuring the implementation in day-to-day business, with feedback and possibilities for further adjustment(OI2)
- Orientation of manager organisation towards consistent implementation and team work(OI3)
- Handing over the manager process to the management team, alignment and integration as well as approaches to optimisation and development(OI4)
Feedback and check-ups (sometimes "on site"), individual coaching, team coaching
The total volume of the manager development project is put together from the following measures:
Activities | OD | Groups / Employee | Time period |
Module OI 1 | 2 | Actual analysis | On site: tbd (Start) |
Module IL I Module IL II Module IL III |
3 3 3 |
5 - 12 5 - 12 5 - 12 |
2 weeks after start 6-8 weeks after IL I 8-12 weeks after IL II |
Module OI 2 Module OI 3 Module OI 4 |
1 1 1 |
Cust / Coach Cust / Coach Minutes |
2 weeks after IL I 2 weeks after IL II 4 weeks after IL III |
For the offered manager qualification offensive, you will invest 14 OD incl. preparation / follow up days (approx. 2 OD)
weekend normal daily rate
OD = operating days, OI = operative intervention (as a rule approx. 10 hours per day, according to the motivation of the participants)
Varying from our usual daily rate for the implementation of consultation and corporate development concepts (see below), we are prepared to agree project prices, under certain framework conditions (framework contract 25 OD p.a. or more).
Managers development process – innovative leadership (IL)
IL module, knowledge transfer and operative intervention